Finding Your Second Mountain with SUCCESS Coaching

Your first mountain is focused on what you can GET FROM life, Your second mountain is focused on what you can GIVE TO life

What others are saying about SUCCESS Coaching

We are so proud of our clients and the RESULTS they are achieving in SUCCESS Coaching

Christina Dozier

"I reached out to Success Coaching feeling unsure of the next steps in my business, grateful that it had grown, but feeling like the business was running me - I was working until 11-12 every night, at least one full day each weekend, and I missed my husband and time with my son. Success Coaching promised to help me grow my business while working the same amount or less. I was so burnt out that I was more than ready. I would’ve settled for the same amount of business with a little more of my life back!

Make no mistake - you’ll set the goals, and you’ll do the work - but they’ll lead you to insights you’d never discover on your own and help you realize what you’re fully capable of. I always leave our coaching sessions feeling more focused, uplifted, and less stressed."

"To put it more quantitatively...7 months into coaching with SUCCESS, I have:

  • purchased our forever home on a large lot with a home office, second dog and plenty of outdoor space for my family
  • become a certified mentor
  • now pick up my 3 year old from school before 5 almost every day
  • capped and then gone on to write my “icon deal” - when it closes I’ll be icon status with several months to spare before my cap resets
  • applied for an eXp team, written my team agreement and am actively interviewing for buyers agents
  • taken my first kid-free vacation ever, and have taken several family trips and vacations (something I felt too guilty or overwhelmed to allow myself to do previously!)
  • time to read books for pleasure!
  • stopped working in the evenings - allowing for downtime and family time
  • learned important skills like future pacing, meditation, time blocking

...looking back on these last several months, I cannot believe I’ve experienced so many positive changes - SUCCESS® Coaching won’t just 10X your’s truly a WHOLE LIFE UPGRADE...holistic coaching with SUCCESS has changed my life and I will absolutely always treasure our coaching relationship."

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